You are unable to input costs or update anything in screen PD0A. You get the same error when you are trying to alter or add POs in PS0A:
ORA-01653: Unable to extend table AUD.AUDIT_UPDATE by 8192 in tablespace SPACE1
The reason for this is that the AUDIT_UPDATE table has too many records and the tablespace has already reached the maximum size that was previously set
As a temporary solution, you can reach out to the support team and they can make more disk space available in 2 ways:
Resize the data file associated with the congested tablespace, giving it available space to resume inserting data.
Note: This solution could be applied when you get ORA-01653: unable to extend table TABLE_NAME by XXX in tablespace TABLESPACE_NAME. - Drop all data from the failed tablespace and they will TRUNCATE the table. This should free up enough space for continued operation into PD0A. Customer Support might not be able to just delete old records from the table because there are no resources to process the UNDO operations inherent with Delete queries. But they can move the latest records to another table if you wish.
Important: As a more stable and permanent solution, we strongly recommend increasing your host disk size.
The agent should have access to the DB.
Resize Data File
- Connect to the database as a DBA.
Execute the following SQL script to extend tablespace:
alter database datafile '/data2/oradata/F/dbsF.sp7' autoextend on maxsize 32767M ;
alter database datafile '/data/oradata/F/dbsF.sp8' autoextend on maxsize 32767M ;
alter database datafile '/data2/oradata/F/dbsF.sp7' resize 31844M;
alter database datafile '/data/oradata/F/dbsF.sp8' resize 31844M;
Note: The queries will need to be adjusted according to the client's implementation and architecture.
Move Records From The Table
- Ask confirmation from the customer and TRUNCATE the table if approved. You can also move the latest records (as per the AUDIT_UPDATE.DATE_CHANGED) to another table like AUDIT_UPDATE_BAK if the customer wants this.
- If AUDIT_UPDATE.DATE_CHANGED column is missing the index, add it so that querying the date column of the table would be less troublesome in the future.
After creating more disk space, the customer should be able to access CIMS and perform transactions normally.
Priyanka Bhotika